Jumat, 19 November 2010

Short Biography of Prophet Muhammad

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Short Biography of Prophet Muhammad
The Prophet’s Birth
Muhammad, son of Abdullah, son of Abdul Muttalib, of the tribe of Quraysh, was born
in Makkah in the year 571 A.D. His father died before he was born, and he was protected
first by his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, and after his grandfather‟s death, by his uncle
Abu Talib.
As a young boy he traveled with his uncle in the merchants‟ caravan to Syria, and some
years later made the same journey in the service of a wealthy widow named Khadijah. So
faithfully he conducted her business, and so excellent was the report of his behaviour,
which she received from her old servant who had accompanied him, that she soon afterwards
married her young agent; and the marriage proved a very happy one, though she
was fifteen years older than he was. Throughout the twenty-six years of their life together
he remained devoted to her; and after her death, when he took other wives he always
mentioned her with the greatest love and reverence. This marriage gave him rank among
the notables of Makkah, while his conduct earned for him the title al-Amin, the “trustworthy.”
Physical Description
One of the most comprehensive and detailed descriptions we have of the Prophet Muhammad
came from a Bedouin woman who would take care of travelers who passed by
her tent. The Prophet once stopped by her with his companions for food and rest. The
Prophet asked her if they could buy some meat or dates from her but she could not find
anything. The Prophet looked towards a sheep next to the tent. He asked her, “What is
wrong with this sheep?” She replied, “The sheep is fatigued and is weaker than the other
sheep.” The Prophet asked, “Does it milk?” She replied, “I swear by your mother and father,
if I saw milk from it then I would milk it.” He then called the sheep and moved his
hand over its udder; he pronounced the name of God and praised Him. Then he called
the woman when the sheep steadied its feet and its udder filled. He asked for a large container
and milked it until it was filled. The woman drank until full as did his companions.
Then it was milked for a second time until the container was full and they left her and
continued on their journey. After a short while, the husband of the Bedouin woman returned
from herding goats. He saw the milk and said to his wife, “Where did you get this
milk from?” She replied, “I swear by God, a blessed man came to us today” He said,
“Describe him to me.”
She began; “I saw him to be a man of evident splendor. Fine in figure. His face handsome.
Slim in form. His head not too small, elegant and good looking. His eyes large and
black [and] his eye lids long. His voice deep. Very intelligent. His brows high and arched
[and] his hair in plaits. His neck long and his beard thick. He gave an impression of dignity
when silent and of high intelligence when he talked. His words were impressive and his
speech decisive, not trivial nor trite. His ideas like pearls moving on their string. He
seemed the most splendid and fine looking man from a distance and the very best of all
from close by. Medium in height, the eye not finding him too tall nor too short. A tree
branch as it were between two others but he was the finest looking of the three. The best
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proportioned. His companions would surround him, when he spoke they would listen attentively
to his speech…”
The First Revelation
The Makkans claimed descent from Abraham through Ishmail and tradition stated that
their temple, the Ka`bah, had been built by Abraham for the worship of the One God. It
was still called the House of God, but the chief objects of worship here were a number of
idols, which were called “daughters” of God and intercessors.
It was the practice of the Prophet to retire often to a cave in the desert for meditation.
His place of retreat was Hira, a cave in a mountain called the Mountain of Light not far
from Makkah, and his chosen month was Ramadan, the month of heat. It was there one
night towards the end of this quiet month that the first revelation came to him when he
was forty years old.
He heard a voice say: “Read!” He said: “I cannot read.” The voice again said: “Read!” He
said: “I cannot read.” A third time the voice, more terrible, commanded: “Read!” He said:
“What can I read?” The voice said:
“Recite in the name of your Lord who created
Created man from a clinging substance.
Recite, and your Lord is the most Generous –
Who taught by the pen –
Taught man that which he knew not.”
The Vision of Cave Hira
He went out of the cave on to the hillside and heard the same awe-inspiring voice say: “O
Muhammad! Thou art God‟s messenger, and I am Gabriel.” Then he raised his eyes and
saw the angel standing in the sky above the horizon. And again the voice said: “O Muhammad!
Thou art God‟s messenger, and I am Gabriel.” Muhammad stood quite still,
turning away his face from the brightness of the vision, but wherever he turned his face,
there stood the angel confronting him. He remained thus a long while till at length the
angel vanished, when he returned in great distress of mind to his wife Khadijah. She did
her best to reassure him, saying that his conduct had been such that God would not let a
harmful spirit come to him and that it was her hope that he was to become the Prophet
of his people. On his return to Makkah she took him to her cousin Waraqa ibn Nawfal, a
very old man, “who knew the Scriptures of the Jews and Christians,” who declared his
belief that the heavenly messenger who came to Moses of old had come to Muhammad,
and that he was chosen as the Prophet of his people.
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Message of Islām
Most of the people of Makkah who had acclaimed him as the trustworthy (al-Amīn) and
the trustful (as-Sādiq) could not bring themselves to believe in him. Nor could most of
the Jews and Christians who had for so long been living in expectation of his arrival. Not
that they doubted his truthfulness or integrity but they were not prepared to turn their
whole established way of living upside down by submitting to his simple but radical message.
He would tell them;
When I recite the Qur‟ān, I find the following clear instruction: God is He who
has created you, and the heavens and the earth, He is your only Lord and Master.
He is your only Lord and Master. Surrender your being and your lives totally to
Him Alone, and worship and serve no one but Him. Let God be the Only God.
The words I speak, He places in my mouth, and I speak on His authority, Obey
me and forsake all false claimants to human obedience. Everything in the heavens
and on earth belongs to God; no person has a right to be master of another person,
to spread oppression and corruption on earth. An eternal life beyond awaits
you; where you will meet God face to face, and your life will be judged; for that
you must prepare.
This simple message shook the very foundations of Makkan society as well as the seventh-
century world. That world, as today, lived under the yoke of many false gods, kings
and emperors, priests and monks, feudal lords and rich businessmen, soothsayers and
spell-binders who claimed to know what others knew not, and who all lorded over human
The Prophet‟s message challenged them all, exposed them all and threatened them all.
His immediate opponents in Makkah could do no better than brand him unconvincingly
as a liar, a poet, soothsayer and a man possessed. But how could he who was illiterate, he
who had never composed a single verse, who has shown no inclination to lead people,
suddenly have words flowing from his lips so full of wisdom and light, morally so uplifting,
specifically so enlivening, so beautiful and powerful, that they began to change the
hearts and minds and lives of the hearer? His detractors and opponents had no answer.
When challenged to produce anything even remotely similar to the words Muhammad
claimed he was receiving from God, they could not match God‟s words.
Stages of The Call
First privately, then publicly, the Prophet continued to proclaim his message. He himself
had an intense, living relationship with God, totally committed to the message and mission
entrusted to him. Slowly and gradually, people came forward and embraced Islām.
They came from all walks of life – chiefs and slaves, businessmen and artisans, men and
women – most of them young. Some simply heard the Qur‟ān, and that was enough to
transform them. Some saw the Prophet, and were immediately captivated by the light of
mercy, generosity and humanity that was visible in his manner and morals, in his words
and works and also in his face.
www.quranproject.org Short Biography of Prophet Muhammad
The opposition continued to harden and sharpen. It grew furious and ferocious. Those
who joined the Prophet were tortured in innumerable ways; they were mocked, abused,
beaten flogged, imprisoned and boycotted. Some were subjected to severe inhuman tortures;
made to lie on burning coal fires until the melting body fat extinguished them, or
were dragged over burning sand and rocks. Yet such was the strength of their faith that
none of them gave it up in the face of such trials and tribulation.
The Flight to Abyssinia
However, as the persecutions became unbearable, the Prophet advised those who could,
to migrate to Abyssinia. It turned out that there, the Christian king gave the Muslims full
protection despite the pleading of the emissaries sent by the Quraysh chiefs. This was the
first emigration of Islām.
In the meantime, the Prophet and his Companions continued to nourish their souls and
intellect and strengthen their character and resolve for the great task that lay ahead. They
met regularly, especially at a house near the Ka‟bāh called Dār al-Arqam, to read and
study the Qur‟ān, to worship and pray and to forge the tied of brotherhood.
In Makkah
Years passed and the people of Makkah would not give their allegiance to the Prophet‟s
message nor showed any sign of any easing in their persecution. At the same time, the
Prophet lost his closest companion, his wife Khadījah, as well as his uncle Abu Tālib, his
chief protector in the tribal world of Makkah. The Prophet now decided to carry his
message to the people of the nearby town of Tā‟if known for its wealth. In Tā‟if, too, the
tribal leaders mocked and ridiculed him and rejected his message. They also stirred up
their slaves and youth to insult him, mock him and pelt stones at him. Thus he was
stoned until he bled and was driven out of Tā‟if, and when God placed at his command
the Angel of Mountains to crush the Valley of Tā‟if if he so wished, he only prayed for
them to be guided. Such was the mercy and compassion of the one who is the „mercy for
all the worlds.‟
This year is known by historians as the „Year of Sorrow‟ due to the grief which the
Prophet suffered as a result of all these worldy setbacks. However, as the Qur‟ān states
that after hardship there is ease, the Prophet was to be blessed with an amazing journey
culminating with a meeting with Almighty God himself.
One night the Prophet was awaken and taken, in the company of the Angel Gabriel, first
to Jerusalem. There he was met by all the Prophets, who gathered together behind him as
he prayed on the Rock at the centre of the site of Masjid Aqsa, the spot where the Dome
of the Rock stands today. From the Rock, led by the Archangel, he ascended through the
seven heavens and beyond. Thus he saw whatever God made him see, the heavenly
worlds which no human eye can see, and which were the focus of this message and mission.
It was also during this journey God ordained on the believers the five daily prayers.
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Joy After Sorrow
In quick succession, the Prophet had suffered the terrible loss of Khadījah, his intimate
and beloved companion for 25 years, and of Abu Tālib, his guardian and protector
against the bloodthirsty Makkan foes, and encountered the worst ever rejection, humiliation
and persecution at nearby Tā‟if. As the Prophet reached the lowest point in his vocation,
God bought him comfort and solace. On the one hand, spiritually, He took him
during the Night of Ascension to the Highest of Highs, realities and Divinities, face to
face with the Unseen. And on the other, materially, he opened the hearts of the people of
Yathrib to the message and mission of Prophet Muhammad.
The message that Makkah and Tā‟if rejected, found responsive hearts in Yathrib, a small
oasis about four hundred kilometres to the north of Makkah. Now known as Madīnah
tunnabī (the city of the Prophet), or Madīnatun Munawwarah (the radiant city), it was
destined to be the centre of the Divine light that was to spread to all parts of the world
for all time to come.
The Men of Yathrib
Soon after Prophet Muhammad‟s return from Tā‟if and the Night Journey, at the time of
the pilgrimage, six men from Yathrib embraced Islām. They delivered the message of
Islām to as many as they could, and at the time of the next pilgrimage in the year 621 CE,
12 people came. They pledged themselves to the Prophet, that they would make no god
besides God, that they would neither steal nor commit fornication, nor slay their infants,
nor utter slanders, nor disobey him in that which is right. The Prophet said; „If you fulfil
this pledge, then Paradise is yours.‟ This time the Prophet sent Mus‟ab ibn „Umayr with
them to teach them the Qur‟ān and Islām and to spread the message of Islām.
More and more people over the course of a year – tribal leaders, men and women – became
Muslims. At the time of the next pilgrimage, they decided to send a delegation to
the Prophet, make a pledge to him, and invited him and all Muslims in Makkah to Yathrib
as a sanctuary and as a base for spearding the Divine message of Islām. In all, 73 men and
two women came. They met the Prophet at Aqabah. They pledged to protect the Prophet
as they would protect their own women and children, and to fight against all men, red
and black, even if their nobles were killed and they suffered the loss of all their possessions.
When asked what would be their return if they fulfilled their pledge, the Prophet
said; „Paradise.‟ Thus the beginning was made, the foundations of the Islāmic society,
state and civilization were set.
The road was now open for the persecuted and tortured followers of the Prophet to
come to the Land of Islām, that was to be Madinah. Gradually most of the believers
found their way to Yathrib. Their Makkan foes could not bear to see the Muslims living
in peace. They knew the power of the Prophet‟s message, they knew the strength of those
dedicated believers who cared about nothing for the age-old Arab customs and ties of
kinship, and who if they had to, would fight for their faith. The Makkans sensed the danger
that the Muslims‟ presence in Madinah posed for their northern trade caravan routes.
They saw no other way to stop all this but to kill the Prophet.
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Plot to Murder the Prophet
Hence they hatched a conspiracy; one strong and well-connected young man was to be
nominated by each clan, and all of them were to pounce upon and kill the Prophet one
morning as he came out of his house, so that his blood would be on all the clans‟ hands.
Thus, the Prophets‟ clan would have to accept blood money in place of revenge. Informed
of the plot by the Angel Gabriel, and instructed to leave Makkah for Madinah,
the Prophet went to Abu Bakr‟s house to finalise the travel arrangements. Abu Bakr was
overjoyed at having been chosen for the honour and blessing of being the Prophet‟s
companion on this blessed, momentous, sacred and epoch-making journey. He offered
his she-camel to the Prophet, but the Prophet insisted on paying its price.
On the fateful night, as darkness fell, the youths selected by the Quraysh leaders to kill
the Prophet surrounded his house. They decided to pounce on him when he came out of
his house for the dawn prayer. Meanwhile, the Prophet handed over all the money left by
the Makkans with him for safe-keeping to Ali. Ali offered to lie in the Prophet‟s bed. The
Prophet slipped out of his house, threw a little dust in their direction, and walked past his
enemies, whose eyes were still on the house. He met Abu Bakr at his house, and they
both travelled to a nearby cave. When the Quraysh realised that the Prophet had evaded
them, they were furious. They looked for him everywhere to no success and then announced
a reward of 100 she-camels for anybody who would bring them the Prophet,
dead or alive. A tribal chief, Surāqah, sighted the Prophet and followed him, hoping to
earn the reward. The Prophet, with bloodthirsty foes in pursuit and an uncertain future
ahead of him in Madinah, told Surāqah; A day will soon come when Kisra‟s golden bracelets
will be in Surāqah‟s hands. Thereafter, Surāqah retreated, and the Prophet proceeded
towards Madinah.
Four stages of the Prophets life in Makkah
The Makkan period can be summarized in four stages:
1. The first stage began with his appointment as a Messenger and ended with the
proclamation of Prophethood three years later. During this period the Message
was given secretly to some selected persons only but the common people of Makkah
were not aware of it.
2. The second stage lasted for two years after the proclamation of his Prophethood.
It began with opposition by individuals: then by and by it took the shape of antagonism,
ridicule, derision, accusation, abuse and false propaganda then gangs were
formed to persecute those Muslims who were comparatively poor, weak and helpless.
3. The third stage lasted for about six years from the beginning of the persecution to
the death of Abu Talib and Khadijah in the tenth year of Prophethood. During
this period the persecution of the Muslims became so savage and brutal that many
of them were forced to migrate to Abyssinia while social and economic boycott
was applied against the remaining Believers.
4. The fourth stage lasted for about three years from the tenth to the thirteenth year
of Prophethood. This was a period of hard trials and grievous sufferings for the
Prophet and his followers. Life had become unendurable at Makkah and there apwww.
quranproject.org Short Biography of Prophet Muhammad
peared to be no place of refuge even outside it. So much so that when the Prophet
went to Tā‟if, it offered no shelter or protection. Besides this, on the occasion of
Hajj, he would appeal to each and every Arab clan to accept his invitation to Islām
but was met with blank refusal from every quarter. At the same time, the people
of Makkah were holding counsels to get rid of him by killing or imprisoning or
banishing him from their city. It was at that most critical time that God opened
for Islām the hearts of the People of Yathrib where he migrated at their invitation.
The Hijrah (622 C.E.)
This was al-Hijrah, the emigration – a small distance in space, a mighty leap in history, an
event that was to become a threshold in the shaping of the Islāmic Ummah. This is why
the Muslims date their calendar from Hijrah (emigration) and not from start of revelation
or from the birth of the Prophet.
In Qubah, 10 kilometres outside Madinah, the Prophet made his first stopover. Here he
built the first Masjid. Here he also made his first public address; „Spread peace among
yourselves, give away food to the needy, pray while people sleep – and you will enter Paradise,
the house of peace.‟
Three days later, the Prophet entered Madinah. Men, women, children, the entire populace
came out on the streets and jubilantly welcomed him. Never was there a day of grater
rejoicing and happiness. „The Prophet has come! The Prophet has come!‟ sang the little
The first thing the Prophet did after arriving in Madinah was to weld the Muhājirs or
Emigrants and the hosts, called the Ansār or Helpers into one brotherhood. Still today
this brotherhood remains the hallmark of the Muslims. One person from the Emigrants
was made the brother of one from among the Helpers – creating a bond stronger than
blood. The Helpers offered to share equally all that they possessed with their new brothers.
So, the Muslims were forged into a close-knit community of faith and brotherhood, and
the structure of their society was being built. The first structure was also raised. This was
the Masjid, the building dedicated to the worship of One God – called Masjid al-Nabi,
the Prophet‟s Masjid. Since then the Masjid has also remained the hallmark of the Muslims‟
collective and social life, the convenient space for the integration of the religious
and political dimension of Islām, a source of identification, a witness to Muslim existence.
At the same time, steps were taken and required institutions built to integrate the entire
social life around the centre and pivot of the worship of One God. For this purpose, five
daily prayers in congregation were established. Ramadhān, fasting every day from dawn to
sunset for an entire month, was also prescribed. Similarly, to establish „giving‟ as the way
of life, Zakāh, a percentage of one‟s wealth to be given in the way of God, was made obligatory.
www.quranproject.org Short Biography of Prophet Muhammad
The Jews and Hypocrites
In the first year of his reign at Yathrib the Prophet made a solemn treaty with the Jewish
tribes, which secured to them rights of citizenship and full religious liberty in return for
their support of the new state. But their idea of a Prophet was one who would give them
dominion, not one who made the Jews who followed him, brothers of every Arab who
might happen to believe as they did. When they realised that they could not use the
Prophet for their own ends, they tried to shake his faith and his Mission and to seduce his
followers, behaviour in which they were encouraged secretly by some professing Muslims
who considered they had reason to resent the Prophet‟s coming, since it robbed them of
their local influence. In the Madinan Sūrahs there is frequent mention of these Jews and
The First Expeditions
The Prophet‟s first concern as ruler was to establish public worship and lay down the
constitution of the State: but he did not forget that Quraysh had sworn to make an end to
his religion, nor that he had received command to fight against them till they ceased from
persecution. After twelve months in Yathrib several small expeditions went out, led either
by the Prophet himself or other migrants for the purpose of reconnoitering and of dissuading
other tribes from siding with Quraysh. One of the other purposes of those expeditions
may have been to accustom the Makkan Muslims to engage with enemy forces.
For thirteen years they had been strict pacifists, and it is clear, from several passages of
the Qur‟ān, that many of them disliked the idea of fighting and had to be inured to it.
The Campaign of Badr
In the second year of the Hijrah (migration) the Makkan merchants‟ caravan [which had
the confiscated possessions of what the Muslims had left in Makkah] was returning from
Syria as usual by a road which passed not far from Yathrib. As its leader Abu Sufyan approached
the territory of Yathrib he heard of the Prophet‟s plan to capture the caravan.
At once he sent a camel-rider towards Makkah, who arrived in a worn-out state and
shouted frantically from the valley to Quraysh to hasten to the rescue unless they wished
to lose both wealth and honour. A force of a thousand strong was soon on its way to
Yathrib: less, it would seem, with the hope of saving the caravan than with the idea of
punishing the raiders, since the Prophet might have taken the caravan before the relief
force started from Makkah.
Did the Prophet ever intend to raid the caravan? In Ibn Hisham, in the account of the
Tabuk expedition, it is stated that the Prophet on that one occasion did not hide his real
objective. The caravan was the pretext in the campaign of Badr; the real objective was the
Makkan army.
He had received command to fight his persecutors, and with the promised of victory, he
was prepared to venture against any odds, as was well seen at Badr. But the Muslims, illequipped
for war, would have despaired if they had known from the first instance that
they were to face a well-armed force three times their number.
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The army of Quraysh had advanced more than half-way to Yathrib before the Prophet
set out. All three parties – the army of Quraysh, the Muslim army and the caravan – were
heading for the water of Badr. Abu Sufyan, the leader of the caravan, heard from one of
his scouts that the Muslims were near the water, and turned back to the coast-plain leaving
the Muslims to meet the army of Quraysh by the well of Badr.
Before the battle, the Prophet was prepared, still further to increase the odds against him.
He gave leave to all the Ansār (natives of Yathrib) to return to their homes unreproached,
since their oath did not include the duty of fighting in the field; but the Ansār
were only hurt by the suggestion that they could possibly desert him at a time of danger.
The battle went at first against the Muslims, but against the odds with a much weaker army
they were victorious.
The victory of Badr gave the Prophet new prestige among the Arab tribes; but thenceforth
there was the feud of blood between Quraysh and the Islāmic State in addition to
the old religious hatred. Those passages of the Qur‟ān which refer to the battle of Badr
give warning of much greater struggles yet to come.
In fact in the following year, an army of three thousand came from Makkah to destroy
Yathrib. The Prophet‟s first idea was merely to defend the city, a plan of which Abdullah
ibn Ubayy, the leader of “the Hypocrites” („Muslims by name only‟), strongly approved.
But the men who had fought at Badr and believed that God would help them against any
odds thought it a shame that they should linger behind walls.
The Battle on Mount Uhud
The Prophet, approving of their faith and zeal, gave way to them, and set out with an army
of one thousand men toward Mt. Uhud, where the enemy were encamped. Abdullah
ibn Ubayy was much offended by the change of plan. He thought it unlikely that the
Prophet really meant to give battle in conditions so adverse to the Muslims, and was unwilling
to take part in a mere demonstration designed to flatter the Muslims. So he withdrew
with his men, a fourth or so of the army.
Despite the heavy odds, the battle on Mt. Uhud would have been an even greater victory
than that at Badr for the Muslims but for the disobedience of a band of fifty archers
whom the Prophet set to guard a pass against the enemy cavalry. Seeing their comrades
victorious, these men left their post, fearing to lose their share of the spoils. The cavalry
of Quraysh rode through the gap and fell on the exultant Muslims.
The Prophet himself was wounded and the cry arose that he was slain, till someone recognized
him and shouted that he was still living; a shout to which the Muslims rallied.
Gathering round the Prophet, they retreated, leaving many dead on the hillside.
On the following day the Prophet again ventured forth with what remained of the army,
with the intention that the Quraysh might hear that he was in the field and so might perhaps
be deterred from attacking the city. The stratagem succeeded, thanks to the behaviour
of a friendly Bedouin, who met the Muslims and conversed with them and afterwards
met the army of Quraysh. Questioned by Abu Sufyan, he said that Muhammad was
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in the field, stronger than ever, and thirsting for revenge for yesterday‟s affair. On that information,
Abu Sufyan decided to return to Makkah.
Massacre of Muslims
The reverse which they had suffered on Mt. Uhud lowered the prestige of the Muslims
with the Arab tribes and also with the Jews of Yathrib. Tribes which had inclined toward
the Muslims now inclined toward Quraysh. The Prophet‟s followers were attacked and
murdered when they went abroad in little companies. Khubayb, one of his envoys, was
captured by a desert tribe and sold to Quraysh, who tortured him to death in Makkah
Expulsion of Banu-Nadheer
The Jews, despite their treaty, now hardly concealed their hostility. They even went so far
in flattery of Quraysh as to declare the religion of the pagan Arabs superior to Islām. The
Prophet was obliged to take punitive action against some of them. The tribe of Banu-
Nadheer were besieged in their strong towers, subdued and forced to emigrate. The Hypocrites
had sympathized with the Jews and secretly egged them on.
The War of the Trench
In the fifth year of the Hijrah the idolaters made a great effort to destroy Islām in the War
of the Clans or War of the Trench, as it is variously called; when Quraysh with all their
clans and the great desert tribe of Ghatafan with all their clans, an army of ten thousand
men rode against Al-Madinah (Yathrib). The Prophet (by the advice of Salman the Persian)
caused a deep trench to be dug before the city, and himself led the work of digging
The army of the clans was stopped by the trench, a novelty in Arab warfare. It seemed
impassable for cavalry, which formed their strength. They camped in sight of it and daily
showered their arrows on its defenders. While the Muslims were awaiting the assault,
news came that Banū Quraythah, a Jewish tribe of Yathrib which had till then been loyal,
had gone over to the enemy. The case seemed desperate. But the delay caused by the
trench had dampened the zeal of the clans, and one who was secretly a Muslim managed
to sow distrust between Quraysh and their Jewish allies, so that both hesitated to act.
Then came a bitter wind from the sea, which blew for three days and nights so terribly
that not a tent could be kept standing, not a fire lighted, not a pot boiled. The tribesmen
were in utter misery. At length, one night the leader of Quraysh decided that the torment
could be borne no longer and gave the order to retire. When Ghatafan awoke next morning
they found Quraysh had gone and they too took up their baggage and retreated.
Punishment of Banū Quraythah
On the day of the return from the trench the Prophet ordered war on the treacherous
Banū Quraythah, who, conscious of their guilt, had already taken to their towers of refuge.
After a siege of nearly a month they had to surrender unconditionally. They only
begged that they might be judged by a member of the Arab tribe of which they were adwww.
quranproject.org Short Biography of Prophet Muhammad
herents. The Prophet granted their request. But the judge, upon whose favor they had
counted, condemned their fighting men to death, their women and children to slavery.
Early in the sixth year of the Hijrah the Prophet led a campaign against the Bani al-
Mustaliq, a tribe who were preparing to attack the Muslims.
In the same year the Prophet had a vision in which he found himself entering the holy
place at Makkah unopposed, therefore he determined to attempt the pilgrimage. Attired
as pilgrims, and taking with them the customary offerings, a company of fourteen hundred
men journeyed to Makkah. As they drew near the holy valley they were met by a
friend from the city, who warned the Prophet that Quraysh had put on their leopardsskins
(the badge of valour) and had sworn to prevent his entering the sanctuary; their cavalry
was on the road before him. On that, the Prophet ordered a detour through mountain
gorges and the Muslims were tired out when they came down at last into the valley of
Makkah and encamped at a spot called Al-Hudaybiyah; from here he tried to open negotiations
with Quraysh, to explain that he came only as a pilgrim.
The first messenger he sent towards the city was maltreated and his camel hamstrung. He
returned without delivering his message. Quraysh on their side sent an envoy which was
threatening in manner, and very arrogant. Another of their envoys was too familiar and
had to be reminded: sternly of the respect due to the Prophet. It was he who, on his return
to the city, said: “I have seen Caesar and Chosroes in their pomp, but never have I
seen a man honoured as Muhammad is honoured by his comrades.”
The Prophet sought some messenger who would impose respect. Uthman was finally
chosen because of his kinship with the powerful Umayyad family. While the Muslims
were awaiting his return the news came that he had been murdered. It was then that the
Prophet, sitting under a tree in Al-Hudaybiyah, took an oath from all his comrades that
they would stand or fall together. After a while, however, it became known that Uthman
had not been murdered. A troop which came out from the city to molest the Muslims in
their camp was captured before they could do any hurt and brought before the Prophet,
who forgave them on their promise to renounce hostility.
Truce of Al-Hudaybiyah
Then proper envoys came from Quraysh. After some negotiation, the truce of Al-
Hudaybiyah was signed. For ten years there were to be no hostilities between the parties.
The Prophet was to return to Madinah without visiting the Ka‟bāh, but in the following
year he might perform the pilgrimage with his comrades, Quraysh promising to evacuate
Makkah for three days to allow of his doing so. Deserters from Quraysh to the Muslims
during the period of the truce were to be returned; not so deserters from the Muslims to
Quraysh. Any tribe or clan who wished to share in, the treaty as allies of the Prophet
might do so, and any tribe or clan who wished to share in the treaty as allies of Quraysh
might do so.
There was dismay among the Muslims at these terms. They asked one another: “Where is
the victory that we were promised?” It was during the return journey from al-Hudaybiyah
www.quranproject.org Short Biography of Prophet Muhammad
that the Sūrah entitled “The Conquest” (surah 48) was revealed. This truce proved, in
fact, to be the greatest victory that the Muslims had till then achieved. War had been a
barrier between them and the idolaters, but now both parties met and talked together,
and the religion spread more rapidly. In the two years which elapsed between the signing
of the truce and the fall of Makkah the number of reverts was greater than the total number
of all previous reverts. The Prophet traveled to Al-Hudaybiyah with 1400 men. Two
years later, when the Makkans broke the truce, he marched against them with an army of
The Campaign of Khaybar
In the seventh year after the Hijrah, the Prophet led a campaign against Khaybar, the
stronghold of the Jewish tribes in North Arabia, which had become a hornets‟ nest of his
enemies. The forts of Khaybar were reduced one by one, and the Jews of Khaybar became
thenceforth tenants of the Muslims until the expulsion of the Jews from Arabia in
the „Caliphate of Umar.‟ On the day when the last fort surrendered Ja‟far son of Abu Talib,
the Prophet‟s first cousin, arrived with all who remained of the Muslims who had fled
to Abyssinia to escape from persecution in the early days.
They had been absent from Arabia for fifteen years. It was at Khaybar that a Jewess prepared
for the Prophet poisoned meat, of which he only tasted a morsel without swallowing
it, and then warned his comrades that it was poisoned. One Muslim, who had already
swallowed a mouthful, died immediately, and the Prophet himself, from the mere taste of
it, derived the illness which eventually caused his death. The woman who had cooked the
meat was brought before him. When she said that she had done it on account of the humiliation
of her people, he forgave her.
Pilgrimage to Makkah
In following year the Prophet‟s vision was fulfilled: he visited the holy place at Makkah
unopposed. In accordance with the terms of the truce the idolaters evacuated the city,
and from the surrounding heights watched the procedure of the Muslims. At the end of
the stipulated three days the chiefs of Quraysh sent a reminder to the Prophet that the
time was up. He then withdrew, and the idolaters reoccupied the city.
Mu’tah Expedition
In the eighth year of the Hijrah, hearing that the Byzantine emperor was gathering a force
in Syria for the destruction of Islām, the Prophet sent three thousand men to Syria under
the command of his freed slave Zayd. The campaign was unsuccessful except that it impressed
the Syrians with a notion of the reckless valour of the Muslims. The three thousand
did not hesitate to join battle with a hundred thousand. When all the three leaders
appointed by the Prophet had been killed, the survivors under the command of Khalid
ibn al-Walid, who, by his strategy and courage, managed to preserve a remnant and return
with them to Madinah.
www.quranproject.org Short Biography of Prophet Muhammad
Truce Broken by Quraysh
In the same year Quraysh broke the truce by attacking a tribe that was in alliance with the
Prophet and massacring them even in the sanctuary at Makkah. Afterwards they were
afraid because of what they had done. They sent Abu Sufyan to Madinah to ask for the
existing treaty to be renewed and, its term prolonged. They hoped that he would arrive
before the tidings of the massacre. But a messenger from the injured tribe had been before
him, and his embassy was fruitless.
Conquest of Makkah
Then the Prophet summoned all the Muslims capable of bearing arms and marched to
Makkah. The Quraysh were overawed. Their cavalry put up a show of defence before the
town, but were routed without bloodshed; and the Prophet entered his native city on
horseback with his head humbled before God as conqueror. The inhabitants expected
vengeance for their past misdeeds. The Prophet proclaimed a general amnesty. Only a
few known criminals were proscribed, and most of those were in the end forgiven. In
their relief and surprise, the whole population of Makkah hastened to swear allegiance.
The Prophet caused all the idols which were in the sanctuary to be destroyed, saying:
“Truth has come; darkness has vanished away;” and the Muslim call to prayer was heard
in Makkah.
Battle of Hunayn
In the same year there was an angry gathering of pagan tribes eager to regain the Ka‟bāh.
The Prophet led twelve thousand men against them. At Hunayn, in a deep ravine, his
troops were ambushed by the enemy and almost put to flight. It was with difficulty that
they were rallied to the Prophet and his bodyguard of faithful comrades who alone stood
firm. But the victory, when it came, was complete and the booty enormous, for many of
the hostile tribes had brought out with them everything that they possessed.
Conquest of Tā’if
The tribe of Thaqif was among the enemy at Hunayn. After that victory their city of Tā‟if
was besieged by the Muslims, and finally reduced. Then the Prophet appointed a governor
of Makkah, and himself returned to Madinah to the boundless joy of the Ansār, who
had feared lest, now that he had regained his native city, he might forsake them and make
Makkah the capital.
The Tabuk Expedition
In the ninth year of the Hijrah, hearing that an army was again being mustered in Syria,
the Prophet called on all the Muslims to support him in a great campaign. The far distance,
the hot season, the fact that it was harvest time and the prestige of the enemy
caused many to excuse themselves and many more to stay behind without excuse. Those
defaulters are denounced in the Qur‟ān. But the campaign ended peacefully. The army
advanced to Tabuk, on the confines of Syria, and then learnt that the enemy had not yet
www.quranproject.org Short Biography of Prophet Muhammad
Declaration of Immunity
Although Makkah had been conquered and its people were now Muslims, the official order
of the pilgrimage had not been changed; the pagan Arabs performing it in their manner,
and the Muslims in their manner. It was only after the pilgrims‟ caravan had left Madinah
in the ninth year of the Hijrah, when Islām was dominant in North Arabia, that the
Declaration of Immunity, as it is called, was revealed (Surah 9). The Prophet sent a copy
of it by messenger to Abu Bakr, leader of the pilgrimage, with the instruction that Ali was
to read it to the multitudes at Makkah. Its declaration was that after that year, Muslims
only were to make the pilgrimage, exception being made for such of the idolaters as had a
treaty with the Muslims and had never broken their treaty nor supported anyone against
them. Such were to enjoy the privileges of their treaty for the term thereof, but when
their treaty expired they would be as other idolaters. That proclamation marks the end of
idol-worship in Arabia.
The Year of Deputations
The ninth year of the Hijrah is called the Year of Deputations, because from all parts of
Arabia deputations came to Madinah to swear allegiance to the Prophet and to hear the
Qur‟ān. The Prophet had become, in fact, the Ruler of Arabia, but his way of life remained
as simple as before. He personally controlled every detail of organization, judged
every case and was accessible to every suppliant. In the last ten years he destroyed idolatry
in Arabia; raised women from the status of a cattle to legal equity with men; effectually
stopped the drunkenness and immorality which had till then disgraced the Arabs; made
men in love with faith, sincerity and honest dealing; transformed tribes who had been for
centuries content with ignorance into a people with the greatest thirst for knowledge; and
for the first time in history made universal human brotherhood a fact and principle of
common law. And his support and guide in all that work was the Qur‟ān.
The Farewell Pilgrimage
In the tenth year of the Hijrah, the Prophet Muhammad went to Makkah as a pilgrim for
the last time – his “pilgrimage of farewell” as it is called – when from Mt. „Arafat he
preached to an enormous throng of pilgrims. He reminded them of all the duties Islām
enjoined upon them, and that they would one day have to meet their Lord, who would
judge each one of them according to his work. He said:
“O People, listen well to my words, for I do not know whether, after this year, I shall
ever be amongst you again. Therefore listen to what I am saying to you very carefully
and take these words to those who could not be present here today.
O People, just as you regard this month, this day, this city as Sacred, so regard the life
and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust. Return the goods entrusted to you to
their rightful owners. Treat others justly so that no one would be unjust to you. Remember
that you will indeed meet your Lord, and that He will indeed reckon your
deeds. God has forbidden you to take usury (riba), therefore all riba obligation shall
henceforth be waived. Your capital, however, is yours to keep. You will neither inflict
nor suffer inequity….
www.quranproject.org Short Biography of Prophet Muhammad
…. Beware of the devil, for the safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he
will ever be able to lead you astray in big things, so beware of following him in small
O People, it is true that you have certain rights over your women, but they also have
rights over you. Remember that you have taken them as your wives only under God‟s
trust and with His permission. If they abide by your right then to them belongs the
right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Treat your women well and be kind to them,
for they are your partners and committed helpers. It is your right that they do not
make friends with anyone of whom you do not approve, as well as never to be unchaste...
O People, listen to me in earnest, worship God (The One Creator of the Universe),
perform your five daily prayers (Salah), fast during the month of Ramadan, and give
your financial obligation (zakāh) of your wealth. Perform Hajj if you can afford to.
All mankind are from Adam and Eve - an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab
nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over
a black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action.
Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute
one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow
Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to
Remember, one day you will appear before God (The Creator) and you will answer
for your deeds. So beware, do not stray from the path of righteousness after I am
O People, no prophet or messenger will come after me and no new faith will be born.
Reason well, therefore, O People, and understand words which I convey to you. I am
leaving you with the Book of God (the Qur‟ān) and my Sunnah (practices), if you follow
them you will never go astray.
All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others
again; and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me
directly. Be my witness O God, that I have conveyed your message to your people.”
Illness and Death of the Prophet
It was during that last pilgrimage that the Sūrah entitled „Victory‟ (surah 110) was revealed,
which he received as an announcement of approaching death. Soon after his return
to Madinah he fell ill. The tidings of his illness caused dismay throughout Arabia and
anguish to the folk of Madinah, Makkah and Tā‟if, the hometowns. At early dawn on the
last day of his earthly life he came out from his room beside the masjid at Madinah and
joined the public prayer, which Abu Bakr had been leading since his illness. And there
was great relief among the people, who supposed him well again.
When, later in the day, the rumour grew that he was dead. Umar threatened those who
spread the rumour with dire punishment, declaring it a crime to think that the Messenger
of God could die. He was storming at the people in that strain when Abu Bakr came into
the mosque and overheard him. Abu Bakr went to the chamber of his daughter Aisha,
www.quranproject.org Short Biography of Prophet Muhammad
where the Prophet lay. Having ascertained the fact, kissed the dead-man‟s forehead and
went back into the mosque. The people were still listening to Umar, who was saying that
the rumour was a wicked lie, that the Prophet who was all in all to them could not be
dead. Abu Bakr went up to Umar and tried to stop him by a whispered word. Then, finding
he would pay no heed, Abu Bakr called to the people, who, recognizing his voice, left
Umar and came crowding round him. He first gave praise to God, and then said: “O
people! Lo! As for him who worshipped Muhammad, Muhammad is dead. But as for him
who worships God, God is Alive and dies not.” He then recited the verse of the Qur‟ān:
“Muhammad is not but a messenger. [Other] messengers have passed on
before him. So if he was to die or be killed, would you turn back on your
heels [to unbelief]? And he who turns back on his heels will never harm
God at all; but God will reward the grateful.”
Qur‟ān 3:144
“And,” says the narrator: an eye-witness, “it was as if the people had not known that such
a verse had been revealed till Abu Bakr recited it.” And another witness tells how Umar
used to say: when “I heard Abu Bakr recite that verse my feet were cut from beneath me
and I fell to the ground, for I knew that God‟s messenger was dead, May God bless him!”
The final messeneger sent to humanity died at the age of 63 years old in the 10th year of
the Hijrah (migration) – 632 A.D.
Such is Prophet Muhammad. According to every standard by which human greatness can
be measured he was matchless; no person was ever greater.
Source: A.B. al-Mehri. Edited from following sources –
- M. Pickthall, Introduction – The Glorious Qur’ān,
- K. Murrad, Who is Muhammad?
- M. Mawdudi, Tafhim al-Qur’ān

Sabtu, 13 November 2010

obat mata II




hikmah ngaos kitab suci

surah nu kadua welas

riwayat yusuf katangen

ditalungtik ku ilmuwan

di nagrina Cleopatra

mesir nagri anu buhun

anu seueur titinggalan

hikmah anu ditalungtik

ngubaran panon nu bodas

panyawat ya’qub ditoong

ditalungtik tur daria

geuningan aya hasilna

kabuktian jeung katimu

kesang aya mangpaatna

lamun nilik na teori

ari nu nami katarak

burem nu narajang panon

nu kagangguna teh lensa

sabab cahaya kahalang

nepika teu bisa asup

sawareh atawa total

lensa teh ngandung protein

nu ngentep make aturan

mun seug hiji waktu geseh

komo lamun paburantak

protein acak acakan

fungsi lensa teh kaganggu

mata jadi tuna netra

albumin hiji protein

rupana herang ngagenclang

bleg siga bobodas endog

tapi lamun kapanasan

rupana teh ngabodasan

ngagebleg kimpel nya kitu

jadina henteu transparan

katarak teh kitu geuning

mun enteng enyay-enyayan

orokaya nempo hese

anu deukeut henteu bengras

nu jauh mah komo pisan

kapaksa kudu oprasi

leuheung mun boga duitna.

ari anu anu janten margi

katarak nu nyaliara

kahiji urang kahade

panon kababuk ku urang

bisa oge ku bawaan

ti sadek lahir geus milu

duka tah naon sababna

kadua sing ati-ati

digawe sok nyanghareupan

seuneu mesin panas kabeh

sok sanajan lalaunan

lila-lina balukarna

susunan protein tangtu

'karakterna' jadi beda

salajengna kitu deui

kahade kasorot sinar

utamana anu silo

unggal waktu karandapan

tangtu eta ge bahaya

urang keuna 'radiasi'

eta teh nu jadi sabab

aya deui mun panyakit

anu matak jadi marga

misalna mah diabetes

kencing manis disebutna

bisa jadina lantaran

protein teh konsentrasi

ngumpul di palebah lensa

punten yeuh ka nini aki

yuswa anu atos panjang

sok aya nu janten lolong

nya eta mah tos tamaha

mung kedah sateuacana

atos-atos dina ngatur

keur ngajagi kasehatan


ngalereskeun ku oprasi

et amah atos ilahar

misalna mah ka cicendo

tempat dokter ahli mata

nu ti jaman walanda

tapi aya anu nunggu

haratis oprasi masal

ceuk ilmuwan abdul basith

enya urang mesir tea

aya tarekah nu sejen

mulangkeun normalna lensa

ku tetes karinget tea

siga conto nabi ya’qub

anu aya dina quran

make cara kimiawi

karinget jalma di’ekstrak’

’bolina’ nami katangen

nu bisa mencrangkeun lensa

hasilna teh sae pisan

leuwih ti salapan puluh

persentase jadi bengras

naha aya efek samping

nihil ceuk eta ilmuwan

boh waktuna jangka pondok

atawa keur jangka lila

jadi taya bahayana

matak henteu aneh atuh

kenging hak paten anjeuna

saterusna aya deui

salian obat katarak

eta dina panon keneh

nyaeta dina kornea

obat tetes teh mujarab

kersa gusti anu agung

panon teh bet janten normal


nyandak hikmah ayat suci

lamun ku urang diguar

tangtos atuh seueur keneh

kantun narekahanana

asal kersa ngalakonan

bari leukeun reujeung junun

bakal kaboker hikmahna

Jumat, 12 November 2010

oleh Yusack Topan Ali-Bandani pada 12 November 2010 jam 12:50



12 Rabiul Awal tahun gajah atau sekitar 20 April 571 M.

Ayahnya Bernama :

Abdullah bin Abdul Mutolib bin Hasim bin Abdul Manaf bin Qusai bin Kilab bin Murah

yang meninggal 7 bulan sebelum nabi dilahirkan,

Ibunya bernama :

Siti Aminah binti wahab bin Abdulmanaf bin zurah bin kilab bin murah.

Kitab Al-Quran mengisyaratkan bahwa kenabian Muhammad sudah di beritakan jauh sebulum Nabi Muhammad lahir :

"Dan (ingatlah) ketika 'Isa ibnu Maryam berkata: "Hai Bani Israil, sesungguhnya aku adalah utusan Allah kepadamu, membenarkan kitab sebelumku, yaitu Taurat, dan memberi khabar gembira dengan seorang Rasul yang akan datang sesudahku, yang namanya Ahmad ." Maka tatkala rasul itu datang kepada mereka dengan membawa bukti-bukti yang nyata, mereka berkata: "Ini adalah sihir yang nyata." (QS. 61 : 6)

"Dan (ingatlah), ketika Allah mengambil perjanjian dari para nabi: "Sungguh, apa saja yang Aku berikan kepadamu berupa kitab dan hikmah, kemudian datang kepadamu seorang rasul yang membenarkan apa yang ada padamu, niscaya kamu akan sungguh-sungguh beriman kepadanya dan menolongnya". (QS. 3 : 81)

(Yaitu) orang-orang yang mengikut Rasul, Nabi yang umi yang (namanya) mereka dapati tertulis di dalam Taurat dan Injil yang ada di sisi mereka, yang menyuruh mereka mengerjakan yang makruf dan melarang mereka dari mengerjakan yang mungkar dan menghalalkan bagi mereka segala yang baik dan mengharamkan bagi mereka segala yang buruk dan membuang dari mereka beban-beban dan belenggu-belenggu yang ada pada mereka. {1} Maka orang-orang yang beriman kepadanya, memuliakannya, menolongnya dan mengikuti cahaya yang terang yang diturunkan kepadanya (Al Qur'an), mereka itulah orang-orang yang beruntung. (QS. 7 : 157)

Orang-orang (Yahudi dan Nasrani) yang telah Kami beri Al Kitab (Taurat dan Injil) mengenal Muhammad {1} seperti mereka mengenal anak-anaknya sendiri. Dan sesungguhnya sebahagian di antara mereka menyembunyikan kebenaran, padahal mereka mengetahui. (QS. 2 : 146)


A. Pada Kitab Injil (Kitab Nabi ISA AS. ) :

Namun benar yang kukatakan ini kepadamu: Adalah lebih berguna bagi kamu jika aku pergi. Sebab jikalau aku tidak pergi, Nabi penghibur itu tidak akan datang kepadamu.Tapi jikalau aku pergi, Aku akan mengutus Dia kepadamu. Dan kalau Ia datang, Ia akan menginsyapkan dunia akan dosa, kebenaran dan penghakiman; akan dosa karena mereka tetap tidak percaya kepadaku; akan kebenaran karena aku akan pergi kepada Bapa dan kamu tidak melihat aku lagi; akan penghakiman karena penguasa dunia ini telah dihukum. Masih banyak hal yang harus kukatakan kepadamu , tetapi sekarang kamu belum dapat menangungnya. Tetapi apabila Ia datang, yaitu Roh Kebenaran, Ia akan memimpin kamu kedalam seluruh kebenaran; sebab Ia tidak akan berkata-kata dari dirinya sendiri, tetapi segala sesuatu yang didengarnya itulah yang akan dikatakannya dan Ia akan memberitakan kepadamu hal-hal yang akan datang. Ia akan memuliakan Aku, sebab Ia akan memberitakan kepadamu apa yang diterimanya daripadaku.

(Injil Yohanes 16 : 7-14).

Ayat diatas merupakan kutipan yg berisikan informasi mengenai kehadiran seorang PENGHIBUR setelah Nabi Isa (Yesus) yang akan mengambil sebagian hukumnya dan memuliakan Nabi Isa.

Dalam Injil Barnabas, Nabi Isa Alaihissalam tidak hanya menubuwatkan tentang kehadiran Nabi akhir zaman, tetapi juga menyebutkan secara lengkap bahwa namanya adalah Muhammad.

Berikut kutipan KH Moenawar Chalil dalam buku kunonya yang berjudul "Kelengkapan Tarikh Nabi Muhammad SAW" milik bapak saya yang juga konon Jendrl.Soedirman pun dulu menyukai kitab karya KH Moenawar Chalil ini :
"Barnabas ialah nama seorang sahabat atau hawariyyun (pembela) Nabi Isa AS. Injil Barnabas itu adalah sebuah kitab Injil yang ditulis oleh Barnabas sendiri dari wasiat Nabi Isa sendiri. Maka isi Injil Barnabas itu satu-satunya kitab Injil yang isinya berlainan dari kitab Injil yang lain. Misalnya tentang ayat-ayat yang memberitakan akan datangnya Nabi Muhammad SAW dengan jelas, kemudian peristiwa penyaliban Isa melainkan yang disalib adalah Yudas.Karena isinya berbeda dengan Injil Paulus, maka para pengikut Paulus tidak mau mengakui isi dari Injil Barnabas ini. Sepanjang riwayat oleh persidangan para pemimpin gereja abad ke-3 Masehi telah diputuskan tidak boleh dipakai (diikuti oleh para pengikut Kristen). Pula pada akhir abad ke-5 M sebelum Nabi Muhammad dibangkitkan, seorang Paus di Roma telah menyatakan haram untuk membaca beberapa kitab agama termasuk diantaranya ialah Injil Barnabas.

Ada sebuah naskah Injil Barnabas itu diketemukan di dengan bahasa Italia Kuno tersimpan di gedung buku Vatikan. Kemudian naskah tersebut diambil oleh seorang pendeta Kristen bernama Moreno pada akhir abad ke-16 M. Naskah inilah yang kemudian diterjemahkan kedalam bahasa Inggris lalu pada tahun 1325 H, naskah tersebut diterjemahkan kedalam bahasa Arab oleh Dr. Khalil Bek Sa'adah, seorang terpelajar berkebangsaan Egypt (Mesir). Ayat Injil Barnabas yang dikutip disini merupakan hasil kutipan dari kitab tafsir Al Manaar jilid III karya Sayyid Muhammad Rasyid Ridha dan beberapa yang dikutip dari Syekh Thantawy dalam kitab tafsirnya Al Jawaahir Jilid I dan beberapa jilid lainnya.

Barnabas fasal 72, sesudah Al Masih memberitahukan kepada Hawariyyun bahwa beliau akan meninggalkan alam dunia kemudian beliau berkata :

7. "Maka ketika itu menangislah para utusan Yesus sambil berkata: "Wahai Guru ! Mengapa engkau akan meninggalkan kami jika demikian bahwa kami merasa mati lebih baik bagi kami daripada engkau tinggalkan".

8. Yesus berkata: "Janganlah hatimu bergoncang dan jangan kamu takut, karena sesungguhnya aku ini bukan yang menjadikan kamu, tetapi Allah yang menjadikan kamu. Dia yang memelihara kamu."

10. "Adapun tentang tugasku, sesungguhnya aku datang untuk menyediakan jalan bagi RASUL ALLAH yang akan datang dengan membawa tugas kelepasan alam ini".

11. "Akan tetapi awaslah olehmu jika kamu akan ditipu orang, karena sesungguhnya akan datang beberapa orang Nabi yang palsu; mereka akan mengambil perkataanku dan mengotori injilku".

12. Ketika itu Andarawus berkata: "Wahai Guru, sebutkanlah bagi kami satu tanda supaya kami kenal dia ?"13. Jawab Yesus: "Sesungguhnya dia tidak akan datang pada masa kamu ini, tetapi ia akan datang kelak berbilang tahun di belakang kamu, yaitu waktu Injilku ini dirusakkan dan hampir tidak terdapat lagi tiga puluh orang yang beriman".

14. "Pada waktu itulah Allah me-rahmati alam ini; maka diutusNyalah seorang utusan yang dimana AWAN PUTIH AKAN MENAUNGINYA*, mengenal dia seorang hamba yang dipilih Allah, dan ia akan menampakkannya kepada seluruh alam".

15. "Dan ia akan datang membawa kekuatan yang besar untuk mengalahkan orang yang berbuat durhaka, dan dia akan menghapus penyembahan berhala dari dunia ini".

16. "Dan sesungguhnya aku gembira dengan yang demikian, karena dengan perantaraannya Allah akan dimuliakan orang dan dia menampakkan kebenaranku".

17. "Dan dia akan memurkai orang-orang yang berkata bahwa aku (Yesus) lebih besar dan lebih tinggi dari manusia".

22. "Dan ia akan datang membawa kebenaran lebih jelas daripada keterangan oleh para Nabi yang lain; dan ia akan membenci orang yang berlaku tidak baik".
*Ketika Muhammad berusia 12 tahun, ia diajak pamannya Abu Thalib berdagang ke negeri Syam, dalam perjalanan tersebut ia selau dinaungi awan putih dan kemudian bertemu dengan seorang pendeta nasrani bernama Bakhiraa. Kemudian pendeta ini mengamati secara mendalam sosok Muhammad dan awan putih yang menaunginya. Kemudian ia berpesan agar berhati-hati terhadap orang Yahudi karena anak ini kelak akan menjadi Rasul penutup zaman.

Banabas fasal 97 ayat:

6. Yesus berkata: "Dan bahwasanya yang mengembirakan aku, ialah agamanya tidak akan berkesudahan, karena Allah akan memeliharanya benar-benar".

7. Kahin berkata: "Apakah akan datang lagi kemudiannya nabi-nabi setelah Rasul Allah itu datang ?"

8. Yesus menjawab: "Tidak akan datang lagi kemudiannya nabi-nabi yang benar-benar diutus Allah".

14. Kahin berkata: "Apakah yang dinamakan MESIYA itu ? Dan apakah tanda yang memberitahukan kedatangannya ?"

15. Yesus berkata: "Sesungguhnya nama MESIYA itu amat mengherankan, karena Allah sendiri yang menamakannya tatkala menciptakannya, karena Allah sendiri yang menamakannya tatkala menciptakannya, dan Dia telah meletakkan nama itu disatu tempat yang indah di langit."

16. Sabda Allah: "Sabarlah olehmu hai MUHAMMAD, karena sesungguhnya Aku lantaran engkaulah Aku hendak menjadikan surga dan alam dunia ini, dan sejumlah besar dari pada makhluk yang Aku berikan kepada engkau, sehingga siapa-siapa yang memberkati engkau, ia akan diberkati, dan siapa-siapa yang melaknati engkau, ia akan dilaknati.

17. "Dan apabila Aku mengutus engkau kepada dunia, Aku menjadikan engkau utusan-Ku untuk memberi kelepasan, dan adalah perkataanmu yang benar, hingga langit dan bumi hancur luluh, tetapi iman engkau tidak akan hancur luluh."

18. "Bahwasanya nama yang diberkati itu adalah MUHAMMAD".

19. "Ketika itu orang banyak sama mengangkat suaranya: "Ya Allah ! Utuslah oleh-Mu utusan-Mu kepada kami ! Ya Muhammad, marilah segera datang untuk melepaskan alam dunia ini".
C. Pada Kitab Taurat (Kiatab Nabi MUSA AS.) :

Ulangan 18:15 yang berbunyi : "Seorang nabi dari tengah-tengahmu, dari antara saudara-saudaramu, sama seperti aku, akan dibangkitkan bagimu oleh TUHAN, Allahmu; dialah yang harus kamu dengarkan."

[Haggai2: 8-10] yang berbunyi : Nubuat nabi Haggai yang hidup sekitar tahun 520 sebelum masehi,'Dan Aku akan menggoncangkan semua bangsa, dan HIMADA untuk semua bangsa ini akan datang,.........Aku akan memberikan Syalom,kata tuhan pemilik rumah'

[Yeremia 28:9] : "Nabi yang bernubuat tentang Islam [Syalom], saat datangnya sabda Nabi,nabi itu akan diakui benar-benar telah diutus oleh Tuhan."

[Himdath, hamad, hmd,himada mempunyai arti yang sama dengan Ahmad, Muhammad dalam bahasa Arab. Dan Syalom mempunyai padanan kata yang tepat dengan Islam]

Bukankah telah dikatakan Musa: Tuhan Allah akan membangkitkan bagimu seorang nabi dari antara saudara-saudaramu, sama seperti aku. Dengarkan dia dalam segala sesuatu yang akan dikatakan kepadamu." (Kisah 3)

Song of Solomon 5:16

chk·u mmthqim u·kl·u MCHMDIM ze dud·i u·ze ro·i bnuth irushlm

terjemahan: "Tutur katanya lembut halus budi bahasa, dia bernama Muhammad. Seperti itulah orang yang sangat kucintai, demikianlah temanku itu[sesama Rasul Allah] wahai masyarakat Israel."

Dan apabila kitab itu diberikan kepada seorang yang tidak dapat membaca dengan mengatakan:“Baiklah baca ini,” maka ia akan menjawab:“Aku tidak dapat membaca.” (Yesaya 29:12)

(lihat sejarah ketika Nabi Muhammad menerima ayat pertama dalam Al-Quran)

Seorang nabi akan Kubangkitkan bagi Mereka dari antara saudara mereka, seperti engkau ini, dan Aku akan menaruh firmanku dalam mulutnya (Ulangan 18:18)C. Pada Kitab WEDHA (Kiatab Umat Hindu) :

Prof. WAID BARKASH (penulis buku) yang masih berstatus pendeta besar kaum Brahmana mengatakan bahwa ia telah menyerahkan hasil kajiannya kepada delapan pendeta besar kaum Hindu dan mereka semuanya menyetujui kesimpulan dan ajakan yang telah dinyatakan di dalam buku. Semua kriteria yang disebutkan dalam buku suci kaum Hindu (Wedha) tentang ciri-ciri "KALKY AUTAR" sama persis dengan ciri-ciri yang dimiliki oleh Rasulullah Saw.

Dalam ajaran Hindu disebutkan mengenai ciri KALKY AUTAR diantaranya, bahwa dia akan dilahirkan di jazirah, bapaknya bernama SYANUYIHKAT dan ibunya bernama SUMANEB. Dalam bahasa sansekerta kata SYANUYIHKAT adalah paduan dua kata yaitu SYANU artinya ALLAH sedangkan YAHKAT artinya anak laki atau hamba yang dalam bahasa Arab disebut ABDUN.

Dengan demikian kata SYANUYIHKAT artinya "ABDULLAH". Demikian juga kata SUMANEB yang dalam bahasa sansekerta artinya AMANA atau AMAN yang terjemahan bahasa Arabnya "AMINAH". Sementara semua orang tahu bahwa nama bapak Rasulullah Saw adalah ABDULLAH dan nama ibunya AMINAH.

Dalam kitab Wedha juga disebutkan bahwa Tuhan akan mengirim utusan-Nya kedalam sebuah goa untuk mengajarkan KALKY AUTAR (Petunjuk Yang Maha Agung). Cerita yang disebut dalam kitab Wedha ini mengingatkan akan kejadian di Gua Hira saat Rasulullah Saw didatangi malaikat Jibril untuk mengajarkan kepadanya wahyu tentang Islam.

Bukti lain yang dikemukakan oleh Prof Barkash bahwa kitab Wedha juga menceritakan bahwa Tuhan akan memberikan Kalky Autar seekor kuda yang larinya sangat cepat yang membawa kalky Autar mengelilingi tujuh lapis langit. Ini merupakan isyarat langsung kejadian Isra' Mi'raj dimana Rasullah Saw mengendarai Buroq.

Bahaya Minum air putih sambil berdiri

oleh Bang Syam pada 12 November 2010 jam 20:16

Dalam suatu kajian kesehatan akupuntur yang diadakan salah satu ahli akupuntur. Ini dibuktikan dari segi kesehatan.

Air minum yang masuk dengan cara minum sambil duduk akan disaring oleh sfringer.
Sfringer adalah suatu struktur maskuler (berotot) yang bisa membuka (sehingga air kemih bisa lewat) dan menutup. Setiap air yang kita minum akan disalurkan pada pos- pos penyaringan yang berada di ginjal....

Nah Jika kita minum berdiri, Air yang kita minum tanpa disaring lagi.Langsung menuju kandung kemih... Ketika langsung menuju kandung kemih, maka terjadi pengendapan disaluran ureter..

Karena banyak limbah-limbah yang menyisa di ureter. Inilah yang bisamenyebabkan penyakit kristal ginjal.
Salah satu penyakit ginjal yang berbahaya.. Susah kencing itu penyebabnya. .
Cara mengatasinya :
1. biasakan minum duduk.
2. banyak minum air putih tapi jangan kebablasan dan jangan terburu-buru
Subhanallah,kini aku tahu kenapa Rosulullah melarang umat Islam minum sambil berdiri..

sumber : Kaskus Forum

Kamis, 11 November 2010

Orang-orang yang Dijamin Masuk Surga

Keinginan menjadi penghuni surga tidak cukup hanya berdo’a, tapi kita harus berusaha memiliki sifat dan amal calon penghuninya dan usaha itu sekarang dalam kehidupan kita di dunia ini.
1. Memberi Makan.

Makan dan minum merupakan kebutuhan manusia yang harus dipenuhi oleh masing-masing orang, namun karena berbagai persoalan dalam kehidupan manusia, maka banyak orang yang tidak bisa memenuhinya atau bisa memenuhi tapi tidak sesuai dengan standar kesehatan, karena itu, bila kita ingin mendapat jaminan masuk surga, salah satu yang harus kita lakukan dalam hidup ini adalah memberi makan kepada orang yang membutuhkannya.

Rasulullah saw bersabda: “Sembahlah Allah Yang Maha Rahman, berikanlah makan, tebarkanlah salam, niscaya kamu masuk surga dengan selamat ” (HR. Tirmidzi)

Di dalam hadits lain, Rasulullah saw juga bersabda: “Sesungguhnya di surga terdapat kamar-kamar yang luamya dapat dilihat dari dalamnya dan dalamnya dapat dilihat dari luarnya, Allah menyediakannya bagi orang yang memberi makan, menebarkan salam dan shalat malam sementara orang-orang tidur ” (HR. Ibnu Hibban).

Terdapat pula hadits senada soal ini yang perlu kita perhatikan: “Di surga terdapat kamar-kamar yang luarnya dapat dilihat dari dalamnya dan dalamnya dapat dilihat dari luarnya”. Abu Malik Al Asy’ari berkata: “buat siapa wahai Rasulullah?”. Beliau menjawab: “Bagi orang yang berucap baik, memberi makan, dan di melalui malam dengan shalat sementara orang-orang tidur” (HR. Thabrani, Hakim, Bukhari dan Muslim).

Bahkan sahabat Abdullah bin Salam mendengar pesan Nabi kepada para sahabat yang berbunyi: “Wahai manusia, tebarkanlah salam, berikanlah makan, sambunglah hubungan silaturrahim, shalatlah diwaktu malam sementara orang-orang tidur, niscaya kalian masuk surga dengan selamat ” (HR. Tirmidzi, ibnu Majah dan Hakim).
2. Menyambung Silaturrahim.

Hubungan antar sesama manusia harus dijalin dengan sebaik-baiknya, antara sesama saudara dalam iman, terutama yang berasal dari rahim ibu yang sama yang kemudian disebut dengan saudara dalam nasab.

Bila ini selalu kita perkokoh, maka di dalam hadits di atas, kita mendapatkan jaminan surga dari Rasulullah saw, sedangkan bila kita memutuskannya, maka kitapun terancam tidak masuk surga.

Rasulullah saw bersabda: “Tidak akan masuk surga orang yang suka memutuskan, Sufyan berkata dalam riwayatnya: yakni memutuskan tali persaudaraan ” (HR. Bukhari dan Muslim).

“Ketika Rasulullah saw bertanya kepada pada sahabat tentang maukah aku beritahukan kepada kalian tentang orang yang akan menjadi penghuni surga? diantaranya beliau menjawab: Seorang laki-laki yang mengunjungi saudaranya di penjuru kota dengan ikhlas karena Allah ” (HR. Ibnu Asakir, Abu Na’im dan Nasa’i).
3. Shalat Malam

Tempat terpuji di sisi Allah swt adalah surga yang penuh dengan kenikmatan yang tiada terkira, karenanya salah satu cara yang bisa kita lakukan untuk bisa diberi tempat yang terpuji itu adalah dengan melaksanakan shalat tahajjud saat banyak manusia yang tertidur lelap, Allah swt berfirman: “Dan pada sebahagian malam hari bersembahyang tahajudlah kamu sebagai suatu ibadah tambahan bagimu; Mudah-mudahan Tuhan-mu mengangkat kamu ke tempat yang Terpuji ” (QS Al Isra [17]:79).

Manakala seseorang sudah rajin melaksanakan shalat tahajjud, ia merasa menjadi seorang yang begitu dekat dengan Allah swt dan bukti kedekatannya itu adalah dengan tidak melakukan penyimpangan dari ketentuan Allah swt meskipun peluang untuk menyimpang sangat besar dan bisa jadi ia mendapatkan keuntungan duniawi yang banyak.
4.Memudahkan Orang Lain.

Dalam hidupnya, ada saat manusia mengalami kesenangan hidup dengan segala kemudahannya, namun pada saat lain bisa jadi ia mengalami kesulitan dan kesengsaraan.

Karena itu, sesama manusia idealnya bisa saling memudahkan, termasuk dalam jual beli. Manakala kita sudah bisa memudahkan orang lain, maka salah satu faktor yang membuat manusia mendapat jaminan surga telah diraihnya.

Rasulullah saw bersabda: Sesungguhnya seorang lelaki masuk surga. Dia ditanya: “Apa yang dulu kamu kerjakan?”. Dia menjawab, dia ingat atau diingatkan, dia menjawab: “Aku berjual beli dengan manusia lalu aku memberi tempo kepada orang yang dalam kesulitan dan mempermudah urusan dengan pembayaran dengan dinar atau dirham”. Maka dia diampuni (HR. Muslim dan Ibnu Majah)

Apabila dalam hidup ini kita suka memudahkan kesulitan yang dialami orang lain, maka kitapun akan mendapatkan kemudahan dalam kehidupan di dunia ini maupun di akhirat kelak.

Rasulullah saw bersabda: “Barangsiapa memudahkan orang yang kesulitan, Allah memudahkannya di dunia dan akhirat ” (HR. Ibnu Majah dari Abu Hurairah).

Islam merupakan agama yang harus disebarkan dan ditegakkan dalam kehidupan di dunia ini, bahkan ketika dengan sebab disebarkan dan ditegakkan itu ada pihak-pihak yang tidak menyukainya, lalu mereka memerangi kaum muslimin, maka setiap umat Islam harus memiliki semangat dan tanggungjawab untuk berjihad dengan pengorbanan harta dan jiwa sekalipun.

Manakala kaum muslimin mau berjihad, maka Allah swt menyediakan surga untuk siapa saja yang berjihad di jalan-Nya, sebagaimana disebutkan dalam firman-Nya: “Tetapi Rasul dan orang-orang yang beriman bersama Dia, mereka berjihad dengan harta dan diri mereka. dan mereka Itulah orang-orang yang memperoleh kebaikan, dan mereka Itulah orang-orang yang beruntung. Allah telah menyediakan bagimereka surga yang mengalir di bawahnya sungai-sungai, mereka kekal di dalamnya. Itulah kemenangan yang besar” (QS At Taubah [9]:88-89).

Di dalam hadits, Rasulullah saw juga bersabda tentang jaminan Allah swt kepada orang yang berjihad dengan surga: Ada tiga orang yang semuanya dijamin Allah azza wajalla, yaitu: seorang lelaki yang pergi untuk berperang dijalan Allah, maka ia dijamin oleh Allah hingga Allah mewafatkannya, lalu memasukkannya ke surga dengan segala pahala atau harta rampasan perang yang diperolehnya. Dan seseorang yang pergi ke masjid, maka dia dijamin oleh Allah hingga Allah mewafatkannya lalu memasukkannya ke surga atau mengembalikannya dengan pahala atau harta yang diperolehnya; dan seseorang yang masuk ke rumahnya dengan mengucapkan salam, maka dia dijamin olehAllah azza wajalla (HR. Abu Daud).

Bahkan orang yang berjihad dan mati syahid meskipun dahulunya ia kafir dan pernah membunuh kaum muslimin dijamin masuk surga, Rasulullah saw bersabda: Allah tertawa kepada dua orang yang saling membunuh yang keduanya masuk surga. Para sahabat bertanya: “Bagaimana yang Rasulullah?”. Beliau menjawab: “Yang satu (muslim) terbunuh (dalam peperangan) lalu masuk surga. Kemudian yang satunya lagi (kafir) taubatnya diterima oleh Allah ke dalam Islam, kemudian dia berjihad dijalan Allah lalu mati syahid (HR. Muslim dah Abu Hurairah ra).
6. Tidak Sombong.

Takabbur atau sombong adalah menganggap dirinya lebih dengan meremehkan orang lain, karenanya orang yang takabbur itu seringkali menolak kebenaran, apalagi bila kebenaran itu datang dari orang yang kedudukannya lebih rendah dari dirinya.

Oleh karena itu, bila kita mati dalam keadaan terbebas dari kesombongan amat mendapatkan jaminan masuk surga, Rasulullah saw bersabda: “Barangsiapa yang mati dan ia terbebas dari tiga hal, yakni sombong, fanatisme dan utang, maka ia akan masuk surga ” (HR. Tirmidzi).

Takabbur merupakan salah sifat yang diwariskan oleh iblis laknatullah, dengan sebab itulah ia divonis berdosa dan akan dimasukkan ke neraka, Allah swt berfirman: Sesungguhnya Kami telah menciptakan kamu (Adam), lalu Kami bentuk tubuhmu, kemudian Kami katakan kepada para malaikat: “bersujudlah kamu kepada Adam”, maka merekapun bersujud kecuali iblis. Dia tidak termasuk mereka yang sujud. Allah berfirman: Apakah yang menghalangimu untuk bersujud (kepada Adam) diwaktu Aku menyuruhmu?. Iblis menjawab: aku lebih baik daripadanya, Engkau ciptakan aku dari api, sedang dia Engkau ciptakan dari tanah. Allah berfirman: turunlah kamu dari syurga itu, karena kamu tidak sepatutnya menyombongkan diri di dalamnya, maka keluarlah, sesungguhnya kamu termasuk orang-orang yang hina (QS Al A’raf[7]: 11-13, lihat pula QS Mukmin [40]: 60).

Manakala seseorang berlaku sombong, sangat kecil peluang baginya untuk bisa masuk ke dalam surga, di dalam hadits, Rasulullah saw bersabda:”Tidak masuk syurga orang yang di dalam hatinya terdapat seberat biji sawi dari sifat kesombongan ” (HR. Muslim).
7. Tidak Memiliki Fanatisme Yang Berlebihan.

Tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa manusia termasuk kaum muslimin hidup dengan latar belakang yang berbeda-beda, termasuk latar belakang kelompok, baik karena kesukuan, kebangsaan maupun golongan-golongan ber-dasarkan organisasi maupun paham keagamaan dan partai politik, hal ini disebut dengan ashabiyah.

Para saha-bat seringkali dikelompokkan menjadi dua golongan, yakni Muhajirin (orang yang berhijrah dari Makkah ke Madinah) dan Anshar (orang Madinah yang memberi pertolongan kepada orang Makkah yang berhijrah). Pada dasarnya golongan-golongan itu tidak masalah selama tidak sampai pada fanatisme yang berlebihan sehingga tidak mengukur kemuliaan seseorang berdasarkan golongan.

Manakala seseorang memiliki fanatisme yang berlebihan terhadap golongan sehingga segala pertimbangan dan penilaian terhadap sesuatu berdasarkan golongannya, bukan berdasarkan nilai-nilai kebenaran, maka hal ini sudah tidak bisa dibenarkan, inilah yang disebut dengan ashabiyah yang sangat dilarang di dalam Islam.

Bila kita mati terbebas dari hal ini, dijamin masuk surga oleh Rasulullah saw dalam hadits di atas, namun tidak masuk surga seseorang yang mati dalam keadaan demikian, karena Rasulullah saw tidak mau mengakui orang yang demikian itu sebagai umatnya.

Hal ini terdapat dalam hadits Nabi saw: “Bukan golongan kamu orang yang menyeru kepada ashabiyah, bukan golongan kami orang yang berperang atas ashabiyah dan bukan golongan kami orang yang mati atas ashabiyah ” (HR. Abu Daud)
8. Terbebas Dari Utang.

Dalam hidup ini, manusia seringkali melakukan hubungan muamalah dengan sesamanya, salah satunya adalah transaksi jual beli. Namun dalam proses jual beli tidak selalu hal itu dilakukan secara tunai atau seseorang tidak punya uang padahal ia sangat membutuhkannya, maka iapun meminjam uang untuk bisa memenuhi kebutuhannya, inilah yang kemudian disebut dengan utang.

Sebagai manusia, apalagi sebagai muslim yang memiliki harga diri, sedapat mungkin utang itu tidak dilakukan, apalagi kalau tidak mampu membayarnya, kecuali memang sangat darurat, karena itu seorang muslim harus hati-hati dalam masalah utang.

Rasulullah saw bersabda: “Berhati-hatilah dalam berutang, sesungguhnya berutang itu suatu kesedihan pada malam hari dan kerendahan diri (kehinaan) pada siang hari ” (HR. Baihaki)

Namun apabila manusia yang berutang tidak mau memperhatikan atau tidak mau membayarnya, maka hal itu akan membawa keburukan bagi dirinya, apalagi dalam kehidupan di akhirat nanti.

Hal ini karena utang yang tidak dibayar akan menggerogoti nilai kebaikan seseorang yang dikakukannya di dunia, kecuali bila ia memang tidak mempunyai kemampuan untuk membayarnya.

Rasulullah saw bersabda: “Utang itu ada dua macam, barangsiapa yang mati meninggalkan utang, sedangkan ia berniat akan membayarnya, maka saya yang akan mengurusnya, dan barangsiapa yang mati, sedangkan ia tidak berniat akan membayarnya, maka pembayarannya akan diambil dari kebaikannya, karena di waktu itu tidak ada emas dan perak ” (HR. Thabrani).
9. Peka Terhadap Peringatan.

Peka terhadap peringatan membuat seseorang mudah menerima segala peringatan dan nasihat dari siapapun agar waspada terhadap segala bahaya dalam kehidupan di dunia dan akhirat, sikap ini merupakan sesuatu yang amat penting karena setiap manusia amat membutuhkan peringatan dari orang lain, karenanya orang seperti itu akan mudah menempuh jalan hidup yang benar sehingga mendapat jaminan akan masuk ke dalam surga.

Orang seperti ini digambarkan oleh Rasulullah saw sebagai orang yang berhati seperti burung sebagaimana disebutkan dalam sabdanya: “Akan masuk surga kelak kaum-kaum yang hati mereka seperti hati burung ” (HR. Ahmad dan Muslim).
10. Menahan Amarah

Al ghadhab atau marah merupakan salah satu sifat yang sangat berbahaya sehingga ia telah menghancurkan manusia, baik secara pribadi maupun kelompok. Ada beberapa bahaya dari sifat marah yang harus diwaspadai.

Pertama, merusak iman, karena semestinya bila seseorang sudah beriman dia akan memiliki akhlak yang mulia yang salah satunya adalah mampu mengendalikan dirinya sehingga tidak mudah marah kepada orang lain.

Rasulullah saw bersabda: “Marah itu dapat merusak iman seperti pahitnya jadam merusak manisnya madu ” (HR. Baihaki).

Kedua, mudah mendapatkan murka dari Allah swt terutama pada hari kiamat, karena itu pada saat kita hendak marah kepada orang lain mestinya kita segera mengingat Allah sehingga tidak melampiaskan kemarahan dengan hal-hal yang tidak benar.

Allah swt berfirman sebagaimana yang disebutkan dalam hadits Qudsi:
“Wahai anak Adam, ingatlah kepada-Ku ketika kamu marah. Maka Aku akan mengingatmu jika Aku sedang marah (pada hari akhir) “.

Ketiga, mudah marah juga akan mudah menyulut kemarahan orang lain sehingga hubungan kita kepada orang lain bisa menjadi renggang bahkan terputus sama sekali. Oleh karena itu, seseorang baru disebut sebagai orang yang kuat ketika ia mampu mengendalikan dirinya pada saat marah sehingga kemarahan itu dalam rangka kebenaran bukan dalam rangka kebathilan.

Rasulullah saw bersabda: “Orang kuat bukanlah yang dapat mengalahkan musuh, namun orang yang kuat adalah orang yang dapat mengontrol dirinya ketika marah ” (HR. Bukhari dan Muslim).

Apabila seseorang mampu menahan amarahnya, maka dia akan mendapatkan nilai keutamaan yang sangat besar dari Allah swt, dalam hal ini Rasulullah saw menyebutkan jaminan surga untuknya: “Janganlah engkau marah dan surga bagimu ” (HR. Ibnu Abid Dunya dan Thabrani).
11. Ikhlas Menerima Kematian Anak dan OrangYangDicintai.

Setiap orang yang berumah tangga pasti mendambakan punya anak, karena anak itu menjadi harapan masa depan dan kesinambungan keluarga. Karenanya bahagia sekali seseorang bila dikaruniai anak, baik laki maupun perempuan.

Karena itu saat anak lagi disayang dan amat diharapkan untuk mencapai masa depan yang baik tapi tiba-tiba meninggal dunia, maka banyak orang tua yang tidak ikhlas menerima kenyataan itu. Bila sebagai orang tua kita ikhlas menerima kematian anak, maka hal ini bisa memberi jaminan kepada kita untuk bisa masuk surga.

Rasulullah saw bersabda: “Tidaklah mati tiga anak seseorang, lalu dia merelakannya (karena Allah) kecuali dia rnasuk surga”. Seorang wanita bertanya: “atau dua orang anak juga, wahai Rasulullah?”. Beliau menjawab: “atau dua anak” (HR. Muslim).

Meskipun demikian, sedih atas kematian anak tetap boleh dirasakan karena tidak mungkin rasanya kematian anggota keluarga tanpa kesedihan, Rasulullah saw sendiri amat sedih atas kematian anaknya, namun kesedihan yang tidak boleh berlebihan seperti meratap.

Dalam suatu hadits dijelaskan: Anas ra berkata: Ketika Rasulullah saw masuk melihat Ibrahim (puteranya) yang sedang menghembuskan nafasnya yang terakhir, maka kedua mata Rasulullah saw bertinang-linang ketika ia wafat, sehingga tampak air mata mengalir di muka beliau. Abdurrahman bin Auf berkata: “Engkau demikianjuga ya Rasulullah?”. Jawab Nabi: “Sesungguhnya ini sebagai tanda rahmat dan belas kasihan”, Lalu beliaubersabda: “Mata berlinang dan hati merasa sedih, tapi kami tidak berkata kecuali yang diridhai Tuhan dan kami sungguh berduka cita karena berpisah denganmu hai Ibrahim (HR. Ahmad dan Tirmidzi).

Di dalam hadits lain, jaminan surga juga diberikan Allah swt kepada orang yang ridha menerima kematian orang yang dicintainya dalam kehidupan di dunia ini.

Abu Hurairah ra berkata bahwa Rasulullah saw bersabda dalam hadits qudsi: “Tidak ada pembalasan dari bagi seorang hamba-Ku yang percaya, jika Aku mengambil kekasihnya di dunia, kemudian ia ridha dan berserah kepada-Ku, melainkan surga ” (HR. Bukhari).
12. Bersaksi Atas Kebenaran Al-Qur’an.

Al-Qur’an merupakan kitab suci yang tidak perlu diragukan lagi kebenarannya oleh setiap muslim, namun kenyataan menunjukkan tidak semua muslim mau bersaksi dalam arti menjadi pembela kebenaran Al-Qur’an dari orang yang menentang dan meragukannya, bahkan tidak sedikit muslim yang akhimya larut dengan upaya kalangan non muslim yang berusaha meragukan kebenaran mutlak Al-Qur’an.

Bersaksi atas kebenaran Al-Qur’an juga harus ditunjukkan dengan penyebaran nilai-nilainya dalam kehidupan masyarakat dan yang lebih penting lagi adalah kebenaran Al-Qur’an itu ditunjukkan dalam sikap dan prilakunya sehari-hari.

Orang seperti inilah yang mendapat jaminan masuk surga oleh Allah swt sebagaimana disebutkan dalam firman-Nya: Dan apabila mereka mende-ngarkan apa yang diturunkan kepada Rasul (Muhammad), kamu lihat mata mereka mencucurkan air mata disebabkan kebenaran (Al Quran) yang telah mereka ketahui (dari Kitab-Kitab mereka sendiri); seraya berkata: “Ya Tuhan Kami, Kami telah beriman, Maka catatlah Kami bersama orang-orang yang menjadi saksi (atas kebenaran Al Ouran dan kenabian Muhammad saw). Mengapa Kami tidak akan beriman kepada Allah dan kepada kebenaran yang datang kepada Kami, Padahal Kami sangat ingin agar Tuhan Kami memasukkan Kami ke dalam golongan orang-orang yang saleh ?”. Maka Allah memberi mereka pahala terhadap Perkataan yang mereka ucapkan, (yaitu) surga yang mengalir sungai-sungai di dalamnya, sedang mereka kekal di dalamnya, dan itulah balasan (bagi) orang-orang yang berbuat kebaikan (yang ikhlas keimanannya). (QS. Al-Maidah: 5]: 83-85).
13. Berbagi Kepada Orang Lain.

Banyak kebaikan yang harus kita lakukan dalam hidup ini sehingga kebaikan-kebaikan yang kita laksanakan itu membuat kita menjadi manusia yang dirasakan manfaat keberadaan kita bagi orang lain sehingga apapun yang kita miliki memberi manfaat yang besar bagi orang lain apalagi bila hal itu memang amat dibutuhkan oleh manusia.

Salah satunya adalah bila seseorang memberikan binatang ternak yang dimiliki seperti kambing untuk kemudian dinikmati susu-nya oleh banyak orang. Bila ini dilakukan, jaminan surga dijanjikan oleh Allah swt

Sebagaimana disebutkan dalam hadits Rasulullah saw: “Empat puluh kebaikan yang paling tinggi adalah pemberian seekor kambing yang diperah susunya. Tidak seorangpun yang melakukan salah satu darinya dengan mengharapkan pahala dan membenarkan apa yang dijanjikan karenanya, kecuali Allah memasukkannya ke dalam surga ” (HR. Bukhari).
14.Hakim Yang Benar.

Dalam hidup ini banyak sekali perkara antar manusia yang harus diselesaikan secara hukum sehingga diperlukan pengadilan yang mampu memutuskan perkara secara adil, untuk itu diperlukan hakim yang adil dan bijaksana sehingga ia bisa memutuskan perkara dengan sebaik-baiknya. Bila ada hakim yang baik, maka ia akan mendapat jaminan bisa masuk ke dalam surga.

Rasulullah saw bersabda: Hakim-hakim itu ada tiga golongan, dua golongan di neraka dan satu golongan di surga: Orang yang mengetahui yang benar lalu memutus dengannya, maka dia di surga. Orang yang memberikan keputusan kepada orang-orang di atas kebodohan, maka dia itu di neraka dan orang yang mengetahui yang benar lalu dia menyeleweng dalam memberikan keputusan, maka dia di neraka (HR. Abu Daud, Tirmidzi, Nasa’l, Ibnu Majah dan Hakim).

Oleh karena itu, ketika seorang muslim menjadi hakim, maka ia harus menjadi hakim yang benar, yakni hakim yang tahu tentang kebenaran dan ia memutuskan perkara secara benar.

Allah swt berfirman: Sesungguhnya Kami telah menurunkan kitab kepadamu dengan membawa kebenaran, supaya kamu mengadili antara manusia dengan apa yang telah Allah wahyukan kepadamu, danjanganlah kamu menjadi penantang (orang yang tidak bersalah), karena (membela) orang-orang yang khianat (QS An Nisa [4]:105).

Mudahan-mudahan kita termasuk orang yang mau berusaha untuk bisa masuk ke dalam surga.

Sumber : Khairu Ummah, Edisi 9, 12, dan 14 Tahun XVIII - Februari 2009
Orang yang terasing
غُرَبَاء وَلِغَيْرِ اللَّهِ لاَ نَحْنِي الجِبَاه
Kami (ghuraba) tidak bersujud kepada selain Allah..
غُرَبَاء وَارْتَضَيْنَهَا شِعَارًا لِلْحَيَاة
Kami telah rela memilihnya sebagai jalan hidup..
اِن تّسَل عَنَّا فَإِنّا لاَ نُبَالِي بِالطُّغَاة
Jika kalian bertanya kepda kami, Sungguh kami tidak takut kepada tirani..
نّحْنُ جُنْدُ اللَّهِ دَوْمًا دَرْبُنَا دَرْبُ الاُباة
Selamanya kami tentara Allah.. Jalan Kami adalah jalan yang dilindungi..
لَنْ نُبَالِي بِالْقُيُود بَلْ سَنَمْضِي لِلْخُلُوْد
Kami tidak peduli dengan belenggu.. Bahkan Kami akan terus melanjutkan selamanya..
فَلْنُجَاهِد وَنُنَاضِل وَنُقَاتِل مِنْ جَدِيد
Maka mari kita berjihad, bertempur dan berperang sedari awal..
غُرَبَاء هَكَذَا الاَحْرَارُ فِي دُنْيَا العَبِيْد
Ghuraba..adalah orang-orang yang merdeka di dunia yang diperbudak..
كَمْ تَذَاكَرْنَا زَمَانًا يَوْمَ كُنَّا سُعَدَاء
Seberapa kali kami ingat, hari ketika kami merasa bahagia…
بِكِتَابِ اللَّهِ نَتْلُوْهُ صَبَاحًا وَمَسَاء
Demi KItab Allah, yang kami baca di waktu pagi dan sore hari..

Rabu, 10 November 2010




nabi ya'qub anu nuju sedih kingkin

emut ka putrana

yusuf nu janten kakasih

ilang taya dikieuna

nalangsa teh karaosna nurih ati

parat kana soca

duanana teu ningali

tapi amarah ditahan

kocap yusuf tos janten gegeden mesir

anjeuna uninga

tuang rama teu ningali

kaleleban ku dirina

'he utusan anjeun geuwat geura balik'

tah gamis kawula

rungkupan pameunteu 'apih'

supaya socana netra

nabi ya'qub ngangseu anu ngahiliwir

anjeuna uninga

najan putra teu nghajirim

karingetna apal pisan

barang rup teh raray dituruban gamis

bray socana caang

ningal sapertos bihari

ku kersaning nu kawasa

Selasa, 09 November 2010



Hartosna: 1 dibagi 0 hasilna ampir ngadeukeutan kana “tak terhingga”,

upami urang ngaku Pangeran ka Gusti Alloh anu Maha Tunggal (Al-Ahad)

,tuluy urang neundeun diri urang salaku hamba Alloh,kalawan nga”zero”keun diri urang di payuneun Anjeu-Na,

atanapi nyucikeun hate ...maka urang bakal nuju kana taqorrub kana Kakuatan Sang Maha “tak terhingga” hartosna Gusti Alloh bakal nulungan ka urang ku kakuatan-Na anu luar biasa..!

.(Renungan 1 Rayagung 1431 H)


Oleh Endang Moek · sekitar satu menit yang lalu


Hartosna:Sakabeh bilangan Energi Emosi upami dibagi ku bilangan Tak terhingga hasilna pasti 0,Sakumaha gedena oge masalah anu karandapan,lamun urang emut kana ka Agungan Alloh, maka emosi urang bakal jadi normal,

Sabtu, 06 November 2010

oleh Mang Jojo pada 06 November 2010 jam 14:30



sok bareda mun napsirkeun hiji ciri

tanghara ti alam

aya anu make mistik

anu lian mah logika

ti tsunami gunung bitu reujeung lini

nepi kana caah

anu datang piligenti

dima’naan rupa-rupa

anu mistik nyangkana teu aneh deui

totonde keur urang

diurang teh rea jurig

nyiliwuri dimamana

ku logika anu apal geologi

jeung geopisika

ieu mah mangsana robih

alam teh nuju nguliat

aya deui nu mikir tina agami

nanggeuh kana ahlak

diparok aturan gusti

cenah loba sulayana

teu kapikir ku kuring jalma nu leutik

tapi balukarna

karasana geuning peurih

nalangsa satiap mangsa

nu katutug karintug na unggal wanci

ti mangsa keur budak

pangalaman kudu ngungsi

geus kolot ge karandapan


tuntas lini imah bencar doyong miring

sawah kacaahan

badan ge kalentab geni

ingon ingon kabeh bangkar

banda ledis kebon ruksak badan rudin

di berok di tenda

saha nu teu sedih kingkin

tamaha nampa kasusah

ka tenda teh kamari aya kiyai

anu ngaleleran

sing sabar narima nasib

supaya dosa marurag

enya atuh dalah rek kumaha deui

iwal ti tawakkal

muntang mah anging ka gusti

ka anjeuna abdi pasrah.


Rabu, 03 November 2010


Your life in the present moment is in between the past and the future. So what has preceded
can be rectified by tawbah (repentance), nadam (regret) and istighfar (seeking Allaah’s
forgiveness). And this is something that will neither tire you, nor cause you to toil as you would
with strenuous labour. Rather it is an action of the heart. Then as regards the future (then it can
be corrected) by withholding yourself from sins. And this abandonment is merely the leaving of
something and to be at ease from it. This also is not action of the limbs, which requires you to
strive and toil. Rather this is a firm resolve and intention of the heart – which will give rest to
your body, heart and thoughts. So as for what has preceded, then you rectify it with repentance.
And as for the future – then you rectify it with firm resolve and intention. Neither of these
involves any hardship or exertion of the limbs. But then your attention must be directed to your
life in the present - the time between two times. If you waste it, then you have wasted the
opportunity to be of the fortunate and saved ones. If you look after it, having rectified the two
times – what is before and after it, as we have said – then you will be successful and achieve
rest, delight and ever-lasting bliss. However, looking after it is harder than that which comes
before and after it, since guarding it involves keeping to that which is most befitting and
beneficial for your soul, and that which will bring it success and well-being.

Selasa, 02 November 2010

Papatah Kolot Baheula

Papatah Kolot Baheula

ku: Raden Wiraatmadja Suriaatmadja pada 02 November 2010 jam 15:31

* Alam nirwana, alam asal, poe panjang, Nagara tunjung sampurna, nu baheula ka
alaman, ngan kahalangan ku poho, sabab poe kamari lain poe ayeuna. (Akherat)
* Wayang nyaeta gambaran kahirupan manusa Nu dipipindingingan ku silip sindir,
dihalangan ku siloka sareng sasmita, kalayan dirimbunan ku gunung simbul.
* Geus loba pangarti nu kapimilik, pangabisa nu geus kapibanda, elmu nu geus
katimu. kari diamalkeun
* Mipit amit, ngala menta, nyukcruk walungan, mapay wahangan, nete taraje,
nincak hamalan, ipis lapis, kandel tapel. (malapah gedang)
* Sing waspada jeung permana tinggal. (Waspada)
* Inditna ulah ngagidig, nyokotna ulah ngaleos, mawana ulah ngalengkah.
* Meredih tina ati, menta tina manah. Menekung kanu Maha Agung, muja brata kanu
Maha Kawasa
* Pasti teu bisa dipungkir, kadar teu bisa di singlar, papasten nu tumibar.
* Sing bisa nilik kana diri, bisa ngukur kana kujur.
* Elmu teh bakal ngancik tinu nyaring, bakal cicing dinu eling
* Niti wanci nu mustari, ninggal mangsa nu sampurna, kahirupan di dunya taya
lian keur taqwa.
* Bagja dimana boga sobat medok, istri denok, sawah ledok.
* Nu geulis jadi werejit, nu lanjang jadi baruang.
* Nyukcruk galur nu kapungkur, mapay laratan anu baheula, nitih wanci nu kamari,
ninggang mangsa nu sampurna. Sanajan urang beda tapi sarua, sanajan teu
ngahiji tapi sa ati, milari ridho gusti nu Sajati.
* Tunggul tong dirurud, catang tong dirumpak, hirup katungkul ku umur, paeh teu
nyaho dimangsa. Sing inget kana purwadaksi, purwa wiwitan, daksi wekasan.
Hartina sing apal kana diri, asal timana?, cicing dimana? Balik kamana?
* Urang teh bakal pinanggih jeung poe akhir, nu ngandung harti poe pamungkas,
raga ditinggalkeun nyawa, maot pingaraneunana. Bakal digiring kurung keur
kuring, bakal dibulen saeneng-eneng, bakal ngagebleg deui jeung mantena.
* Hirup katungkul ku umur, paeh teu apal dimangsa, numatak rinik-rinik kulit
harti, cicing harti ngawincik diri, mun nyaah kana raga sing nyaho kana dasar
* Positip x posotip= positip. Negative x negative= positip. Positip x
negative=negative. Nu bener dibenerkeun eta bener, nu salah disalahkeun eta
bener. Nu bener disalahkeun eta salah, nu salah dibenerkeun eta salah.
* Ratu tara ngahukum, raja tara nyiksa, melak cabe jadi cabe, melak bonteng jadi
bonteng, melak hade jadi hade, melak goreng jadi goreng.
* Ulah taluk pedah jauh, tong hoream pedah anggang, tong cicing pedah tebih jauh
kudu dijugjug, anggang kudu diteang, tebih kudu di sungsi

* Kudu paheuyeuk- heuyeuk leungeun paantay-antay tangan
* Neangan luang tipapada urang
* Ulah nyaliksik ku buuk leutik
* Ulah lunca linci luncat mulang udar tina tali gadang, omat ulah lali tina
* Ulah pagiri- giri calik, pagirang- girang tampian
* Bengkung ngariung bongkok ngaronyok
* Nyaur kudu diukur nyabda kudu di unggang
* Hirup di alam dunya sembaheun anging Gusti nu kagungan urang sadaya, nu
ngajadikeun bumi, langit, sawarga, naraka jeung sagala eusina
* Hate nu Kalingkung ku wawangunan, kalingker ku papageran.
* Miindung ka waktu, mibapa ka zaman